Below are some prior presentations that have been done on Apache Phoenix. Another good source of information is the Apache Phoenix blog and the Phoenix Tech Talks.

Title Resources Where When
Drillix: Apache Phoenix + Apache Drill Slides 2016
Apache Phoenix: Past, Present and Future of SQL over HBase Slides, Video HadoopSummit - Dublin 2016
High Performance Clickstream Analytics with Apache HBase/Phoenix Slides Strata + Hadoop World 2016
Apache Phoenix: The Evolution of a Relational Database Layer over HBase Slides Apache Big Data EU 2015
Lightning Talk for Apache Phoenix Slides HPTS 2015
Tuning Phoenix and HBase for OLTP Slides Tuning Presentation 2015
Apache Phoenix: The Evolution of a Relational Database Layer over HBase Slides, Video Hadoop Summit 2015
Apache Phoenix: The Evolution of a Relational Database Layer over HBase Slides HBaseCon 2015
Apache Phoenix: Transforming HBase into a Relational Database Slides OC Hadoop User Group 2014
Apache Phoenix: Transforming HBase into a SQL database Slides, Video Hadoop Summit 2014
Taming HBase with Apache Phoenix and SQL Slides, Video HBaseCon 2014
How Apache Phoenix enables interactive, low latency applications over HBase Slides, Video ApacheCon 2014
How (and why) Phoenix puts the SQL back into NoSQL Slides, Video Hadoop Summit 2013
How (and why) Phoenix puts the SQL back into NoSQL Slides, Video HBaseCon 2013


PhoenixCon is a developer-focused event available to the public. The event is comprised of users and developers giving presentations about how they are using Apache Phoenix or new features coming to the project.

For previous presentations given at PhoenixCon events, please refer to the archives.

See the following for more information about PhoenixCon 2018.