How to do a release
Phoenix has several repos, phoenix-thirdparty, phoenix-omid, phoenix-tephra, phoenix, phoenix-connectors and phoenix-queryserver The create-release scripts provide a unified script to handle the release from each repo. The create-release scripts are in the master branch phoenix repo, in the dev/create-release directory.
- Make sure that the JIRAs included in the release have their fix-version and release notes fields set correctly, and are resolved. The script will query them, and create the CHANGES and RELEASE_NOTES files from that information. Use the dev/misc_utils/ script to find the discrepancies between the commits and the JIRAs.
- Make sure you have set up your user for release signing. Details
- Make sure you have set up maven for deploying to the ASF repo. Details
- Clone the phoenix master branch locally (the script will download the actual repo to release itself)
- Make sure docker is running locally
Note that Docker Desktop for Mac works, but will be slow. (Several hours for for a phoenix (core) release ). Running on a native Linux machine is much faster, as you do not incur the filesystem translation layer penalty
Do a dry run
Read /dev/create_release/README.txt to get an idea of what the script does, and how to set up gpg-agent for signing.
Run the dev/create-release/ -d <workdir> -p <project> command, where
- <project> is the repo name you’re releasing from (i.e. phoenix)
- <workdir> is any existing directory that can be deleted
The script will ask a number of questions. Some of them will have intelligent default, but make sure you check them all:
[stoty@IstvanToth-MBP15:~/workspaces/apache-phoenix/phoenix (PHOENIX-6307)$]dev/create-release/ -p phoenix -d ~/x/phoenix-build/ Output directory already exists. Overwrite and continue? [y/n] y ======================== === Gathering release details. PROJECT [phoenix]: GIT_BRANCH []: master Current branch VERSION is 5.1.0-SNAPSHOT. RELEASE_VERSION [5.1.0]: RC_COUNT [0]: RELEASE_TAG [5.1.0RC0]: This is a dry run. If tag does not actually exist, please confirm the ref that will be built for testing. GIT_REF [5.1.0RC0]: ASF_USERNAME [stoty]: GIT_NAME [Istvan Toth]: GPG_KEY []: We think the key '' corresponds to the key id '0x77E592D4'. Is this correct [y/n]? y ================ Release details: GIT_BRANCH: master RELEASE_VERSION: 5.1.0 RELEASE_TAG: 5.1.0RC0 API_DIFF_TAG: ASF_USERNAME: stoty GPG_KEY: 0x77E592D4 GIT_NAME: Istvan Toth GIT_EMAIL: DRY_RUN: yes ================
- PROJECT: the repo to release (default specified by -p on the command line)
- GIT_BRANCH: the git branch to use for release. This can be master, or a pre-created release branch.
- RC_COUNT: the RC number, starting from 0
- RELEASE_TAG: the git tag the the script will tag the RC commit with.
- ASF_USERNAME: your ASF username, for publishing the release artifacts.
- ASF_PASSOWORD: your ASF password, only for non-dry runs
- GIT_NAME/GIT_EMAIL: will be used for the RC commit
- GPG_KEY: id for you GPG key. The script will offer a GPG secret key from your key ring, double check that it is your code signing key, and correct it if it is not.
The dry-run will generate the signed release files into <workdir>/output directory. The maven artifacts will be in <workdir>/output/phoenix-repo-XXXX local maven repo, in the usual structure
Create real RC
If the dyr-run release artifacts (source, binary, and maven) check out, then do publish a real RC to ASF
Repeat the dry run process, but add the -f switch to the command.
The script will upload the source and binary release artifacts to a directory under The script will also deploy the maven artifacts to Check that these are present.
- Initiate the vote email. See example here, or use the <workdir>/output/vote.txt template generated by the script.
- In case the RC (Release Candidate) is rejected via the vote, you will have to repeat the above process and re-initiate the vote for the next RC (RC0, RC1, etc.).
Once voting is successful (say for RC1), copy artifacts to
svn mv
Set release tag and commit:
git tag -a v4.15.0-HBase-1.3 v4.15.0-HBase-1.3-rc1 -m "Phoenix v4.15.0-HBase-1.3 release"
Remove any obsolete releases on given the current release.
- Go to and close -> release the staged artifacts (takes a while so you may need to refresh multiple times).
- Create new branch based on current release if needed, for ex: 4.15 branches in this case.
Set version to the upcoming SNAPSHOT and commit:
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=4.16.0-HBase-1.3-SNAPSHOT -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
If releasing Phoenix (core) Create a JIRA to update PHOENIX_MAJOR_VERSION, PHOENIX_MINOR_VERSION and PHOENIX_PATCH_NUMBER in appropriately to next version (4, 16, 0 respectively in this case) and compatible_client_versions.json file with the client versions that are compatible against the next version ( In this case 4.14.3 and 4.15.0 would be the backward compatible clients for 4.16.0 ). This Jira should be committed/marked with fixVersion of the next release candidate.
- Add documentation of released version to the downloads page and wiki.
- Update the Apache Committee Report Helper DB
- Send out an announcement email. See example here.
- Bulk close Jiras that were marked for the release fixVersion.